
frame from serial experiments lain
Everyone is connected...

Who are you?

I am a software engineer at Regrello, and formerly a systems engineer at Booz Allen Hamilton. I attended UCLA for my bachelor’s.

Lately, I have been interested in databases, efficient computing, and legacy software.

You can find me on GitHub as krashanoff. If you’d like to get in touch with me directly, email

Blog Posts

I write from time to time. You may review past posts as linked below.

Can’t find what you’re searching for?

I used to host an impromptu reading list and some incomplete notes on cybersecurity policy and cryptographic module validation here (NIST 800-5X; FIPS 140-2 and 140-3). If, by chance, you are looking for them, you can find the original documents in the Git repository for this website at commit SHA e070a1545f43f118750b171e70872756b1c91d2e. Link for your convenience.

What is the source for this page’s image?

The only image on this page is a screenshot from episode 3 of Serial Experiments Lain.