Introduction #

Haskell is a very strange programming language. I have never had a particular reason to learn the language in the same way I needed Go for my clubs projects or Rust for understanding a few open-source projects. I’m not writing any math-heavy research papers, and even then I can’t say that I’d jump to using Haskell. I had always found it a curiosity, and not much more.

Every time I have a bunch of exams queued up, though, I come around to trying to learn it, and then give up when I get to parts about monads and all this other category theory stuff.

This October, I took another dive into it after getting burnt out writing a lot of Rust. For whatever reason, this time, it made a lot more sense to me.

Learning Struggles #

I think the thing that it boiled down to for me while struggling to learn is the syntax of the language. Yeah, it’s functional, so it’s pretty unfamiliar, but even if you’re coming from something like OCaml, as I was in my second year of college, it’s still just weird.

There’s a lot of different ways of doing the same thing at a fundamental level.

Which of these looks more syntactically sane to you? Or, even better, which of these immediately demonstrates exactly what it’s going to do?

prefix = "hi there "

sayHi name = putStrLn (prefix ++ name)    -- (1)
sayHi name = putStrLn $ prefix ++ name    -- (2)
sayHi = putStrLn . (prefix ++)            -- (3)

All of these functions typecheck. All of them do the same thing: they apply some prefix to a string, then print it.

Prelude> sayHi "reader"
hi there reader

Some of the examples use currying (3), some don’t. Some use an entire operator for simply applying parameters to a function (2), another composes functions (3).

Like natural language, there’s always more than one way to say the same thing when programming. In Haskell, there’s even more. It gives the programmer a lot more creative freedom about how they want to express their ideas without sacrificing functionality.

This is good: focused use of Haskell’s syntax leads to concise code and builds a relationship between the author and their reader.

This is bad: brandishing its syntax can cause confusion. This is what gave me a lot of trouble while familiarizing myself with its grammar. Once you get over the initial hump, though, writing software becomes even more creative.

Here’s another example, where we increment an optional value.

-- Using a case statement:
possiblyIncrement a = case a of
  Just x -> Just (x + 1)
  Nothing -> Nothing

-- Using a lambda case statement:
-- You have to turn this on with '{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}'.
possiblyIncrement = \case
  Just x -> Just (x + 1)
  Nothing -> Nothing

-- Or, using pattern matching:
possiblyIncrement (Just x) = Just (x + 1)
possiblyIncrement Nothing = Nothing

-- Or, using monads:
possiblyIncrement a = a >>= (\x -> Just (x + 1))

-- Or, with currying:
possiblyIncrement = (=<<) $ Just . (+ 1)

We are able to describe the action of potentially modifying a value under an abstraction with Haskell’s bind (>>=) operator. There are a plethora of ways of approaching it, even in this simple example. Depending on which way one approaches it, the immediate meaning might change.

In nontrivial codebases, the voice of the author determines its maintainability – how terse it will be. For more complicated Haskell programs, functions can reach tens of lines. Doesn’t sound like much, except each line comes with this same exceptional information density.

Rust Parallels #

Looking over these functions after writing a ton of Rust, though, I realized these semantics reminded me of a fundamental example.

fn potentially_increment(u: Option<u32>) -> Option<u32> {|i| i + 1)

In Rust, an Option<T> type can have its underlying value potentially modified with a call to Option<T>::map. This may sound similar to the bind operator.

It was when I came to this parallel that I noticed how many things in Rust are near-direct analogs to Haskell. A Tree in Haskell, for example, might look like this:

data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a
  deriving (Show)

valAt (Leaf v) = Just v
valAt _ = Nothing

instance Eq a => Eq (Tree a) where
  (==) a b = valAt a == valAt b

Compare this to a Rust data structure that I’ve coerced to appear as similar as possible:

struct Tree<T: Eq> {
  left: Option<Tree<T>>,
  right: Option<Tree<T>>,
  value: Option<T>,

impl std::cmp::PartialEq for Tree {
  type Rhs = Tree;

  fn eq(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool {
  fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool {

The Haskell version is the same structure expressed tersely, in exchange for a less-intuitive grammar.

When I realized the parallel between these two, things gradually started to click. Rust paradigms are generally Haskell paradigms expressed in a more imperative way. That is, Rust is a scaffold between the safety of the functional world and the familiarity of the imperative, at expense of verbosity.

Others have written about the more direct similarities between Haskell and Rust1, but I’d like to quickly talk about two trade-offs Rust has made to inherit some of their ideas beyond syntax.

Currying and Fluency #

Haskell is built around currying. Applying a parameter to a function produces a new function that simply takes one less parameter:

Prelude> :t (+)
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
Prelude> :t (+ 2)
(+ 2) :: Num a => a -> a

This has a number of useful applications, though my most common exposure to it was through function declarations that are simply chains of others:

Prelude> :t (=<<)
(=<<) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b

Prelude> potentiallyIncrement = (=<<) $ Just . (+ 1)
Prelude> :t potentiallyIncrement 
potentiallyIncrement :: Num b => Maybe b -> Maybe b

I’d argue this drives the “flow” of the code.

While Rust does not have out of the box support for currying[^2], it has its own sort of “flow mechanic”: functional fluency. Rather than partial application of functions generating new functions, we can partially apply attributes onto a struct through functions, generating new partial data structures.

let myfile = OpenOptions::new()

This adopts a functional approach to object-oriented operations.

Monads vs. Results + Options #

I pinned down monads as a container type in the same vein as Option<T>. Let’s compare Option<T> to Maybe:

Operation Rust Haskell
Wrap in container Some(x) Just (x)
Modify underlying value .map() >>=
Get first underlying value .iter().find() msum
Map each underlying value in an iterator .iter().map(|x| mapM

Where the two differ is that monads are also their own Result<T, E>. The ubiquitous IO monad is an example of this[^3].

Rather than keeping two separate types with uniform interfaces, Haskell instead has a single type with a single, more polymorphically powerful interface.

In the same way that I came to appreciate Rust after an initial hurdle, I’m starting to understand why Haskell is well-liked by its developers. It just took a small change in perspective.

  1. Others have written about more direct similarities between Rust and Haskell:

    • [^2]: There is a crate for currying functions in Rust. [^3]: